Yu Ping Feng San 玉屏風散
Jade Windscreen Powder
Dried Astragalus Root - Huang Qi
Yu Ping Feng San - Jade Windscreen Powder, was first recorded in the "Effective Prescriptions from Generations of Physicians" - Shi Yi De Xiao Fang by Wei Yi Lin - 1345.
It is a simple formula made up of high doses of 3 primary herbs - Astragalus, Atractylodes and Saposhnikovia which all work together to promote resistance against exogenous pathogenic diseases and illness by tonifying the immune system (Wei Qi).
One of the main clinical manifestations of a weak immune system is spontaneous sweating. The astringent flavour's of Huang Qi and Bai Zhu act strongly on the superficial layers through consolidating and securing the sweat glands, preventing external pathogens from entering the skin.
The low dosage and pan frying of Fang Feng prevents any exterior releasing effects but retains its strong immune tonifying qualities.
From a TCM perspective Yu Ping Feng San tonifies the Spleen and Lung Zangfu (viscera), strengthens the Wei Qi at the exterior as well as promotes the ascending Qi movement of the middle Jiao (abdominal mesentery) to expel pathogens through the upper and outer parts of the body.
Haung Qi - Astragalus Root
Bai Zhu - Atractylodes Rhizome
Fang Feng - Saponishkovia Root