Yin Yoga was founded in the late 1970s by martial arts expert and Taoist teacher Paulie Zink. It was later popularized and developed by Paul Grilley , Sarah Powers and Bernie Clark to become one of the most recognized forms of Yoga across USA, Europe and Australia.

Yin Yoga is a slower-paced softer style of yoga which incorporates and blends many principles of  traditional Chinese medicine with Yogic Asanas (postures) that are held for longer periods of time than in other styles.

In Yin Yoga, practitioners stay in one asana for three to five minutes. In Yin Yoga, very small amount of muscular exertion is used in the asanas, practitioners are advised to stay in a state of emptiness and deep meditation.


Monday - 1030am at St Luke Wellness Hub - 93 Cimitiere Street in Launceston, TAS 7250

Wednesday 930am at The Yoga Loft - 43/45 Brisbane St, Launceston TAS 7250