Tuina is form of traditional massage similar to Shiatsu. and forms one of the major branches of traditional Chinese medicine. Tuina utilizes pressure on acupuncture points, meridians and groups of muscles and nerves to promote the free flow of ā€˜Qiā€™ and move blockages. These blockages are considered to cause an imbalance of Qi throughout the body, and so removing these blockages is utilize to help improve health and vitality.

The name comes from two of the actions: Tui means "to push" and Na means "to lift and squeeze." Other strokes include shaking, pressing, and grasping are also applied for therapeutic effect. In a Tuina treatment the practitioner uses range of motion, traction, and the stimulation of acupressure points to help relieve and heal both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions, as well as many non-musculoskeletal conditions.

Tuina therapy involves the use of cupping, Guasha, Moxibustion and medical Qigong applications to help relax soft tissue, mobilize joints and restore harmony to the nervous system. Treatments can vary on intensity depending on the individuals main complaint and constitution.