Xin Yi San


Xin Yi San - Magnolia flower formula dates back as far as 1253 AD where it was first mentioned in the Ji Sheng Fang - 'The Formulas to Benefit Life' by Yan Yong-He in which he describes the formula as an important medicine for treating acute conditions affecting the nasal passages such as the common cold or allergic rhinitis.

This formula was named after its chief ingredient the Magnolia flower (Xin yi) which as a single herb possesses all the major qualities of the formula. Magnolia is a traditional herb that has been used throughout the world for thousands of years for its strong astringent properties which act as a strong local vasodilator and antiphlogistic on the nasal mucosa.

According to TCM theory, Xin Yi - Magnolia flower enters both the Lungs and Stomach channels where it is said to expel pathogenic Wind-Cold that travels upwards towards the nasal cavities and sinuses.

Notopterygium - Qiang Huo, the other chief herb in the formula plays an important role in treating head colds and sinus (frontal headaches). It has been shown to possess strong diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic actions.

This formula is a must for all patients who suffer from winter sinus and rhinitis conditions.


Xin Yi Hua - Magnolia Buds

Bai Zhi - Dahurian Angelica

Qiang Huo - Notoptyergium Root

Fang Feng - Saposhnikovia Root

Gao Ben - Chinese Lovage Root

Chang Xiong - Szechuan Lovage Root

Sheng Ma - Black Cohosh

Chuan Mu Tong - Armand Clemetis Stem

Si Cang Pu - Chinese Sweetflaf Root

Gan Cao - Liquorice Root