Wen Dan Tang -温胆汤
Bamboo & Hoelen Formula
Bamboo Stem
Wen Dan Tang first appears in the famous Bei Ji Qian Yin Yao Fang - "Prescriptions Worth a Thousand Gold
Pieces for Emergencies' by the famous Sun Si-Miao in 652 AD.
The original formula was designed to be a warming formula to specifically treat cold in the Gallbladder. Over the centuries, the formula has evolved and modified.
This specific formula was first recorded in the 'Golden Mirror of Medicine' - Yi Zong Jin Jian' in 1742, a 90-volume treatise on general medicine composed by Wu Qian and commissioned by the Qing imperial government.
This modified contains a combination of cooling and warming ingredients. The warming ingredients act strongly to resolve phlegm at its source in the Spleen while the cooling herbs clear away pathogenic complex phlegm-heat.
This formula is useful in conditions in which Phlegm-Heat affects the Stomach, Heart and/or Lung with or without the Gallbladder. Conditions involving phlegm manifest in various ways in the body such as bronchial mucus, fatty deposits and cholesterol in the blood, intestinal mucus ect.
The two main herbs in WDT include Zhu Ru - Bamboo Stem and Zhi Shi - Bitter Orange. Zhu Ru has been used orally in the treatments of productive cough, vomit, insomnia, palpitations, stroke, nausea and epilepsy in small children. It has been shown to have antibacterial, antiemetic and expectorant properties. Zhi Shi has been used in TCM for thousands of years in the treatment of congestion in the chest, productive cough, abdominal distension, constipation, bloating and tenesmus. It has been shown to have hypertensive properties which help improves the contraction of the smooth muscles which helps with uterine contractions. It has diuretic, antispasmodic qualities that help promote peristaltic movement.
Zhu Ru - Bamboo Stem
Fu Ling - China Root Poria
Ban Xia - Pinellia Tuber
Zhi Shi - Bitter Orange
Chen Pi - Citrus Peel
Gan Cao - Liquorice Root
Hong Zao - Jujube Red Date